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Dean and Associate Dean

Deputy Registrar

Assistant Registrar (Acad.-I)
[Incharge: Senate, PGPC, PG Fees, PG Bulletin.]
Assistant Registrar (Acad.-II)
[Incharge: Postgraduate (PG/Ph.D.)]
Assistant Registrar (Acad.-III)
[Incharge: Scholarships (UG), Transcripts, Verification, Alumni Services, Internship]
Assistant Registrar (Acad.-IV)
[Incharge: Undergraduate]

Supervisor / Staff *

Supervisor / Staff *

Supervisor / Staff *

Supervisor / Staff *

Other Work

* To know the Staff dealing with students please follow the navigation: Staff > Activity/Programme/Academic Unit.

Postgraduate (Progress), Registration, ARP Implementation

  Name: Mrs. Tabassum Z. Majgaonkar
  Designation: Sr. Administrative Superintendent
  Extn. 4008
  Email id
 Job: Supervison, Admissions related work of (Ph.D, M.Tech, M.Phil, M.Des, M.Mgt, MUDE, MBA, EMBA, MPP, Foreign nationals, QIP, DRDO, HBNI, MONASH, PMRF and Other Institute Visiting students), RTI, ASC Related work, Statistics work, Ph.D, M.Tech, M.Phil, MPP related work of ME, SC, HSS (M.Phil), CM, CPS.

  Name: Mrs.Sunanda A. Khanderao
  Designation: Sr. Administrative Superintendent
  Extn. 7924
  Email id:
  Job: Supervisior for PG Unit-1 (M.Tech/ Ph.D / Dual Degree) of AE, ET, SBB, HSS, CRNTS, CH, EN, Scholarship (Govt. & External) : MHRD, UGC, AERB, DST-INSPIRE, DAE,MONASH, DAAD, CSIR, DBT, NBHM, ICMR, CSIR, ICMR, DBT, Financial Support to students for Attending International Conference/Symposium, Assist. during Admissions.

  Name: Ms. Vidya R. Nair
  Designation: Administrative Superintendent
  Extn. 7046
  Email id:
  Job: Supervisor for PG Unit - M.Tech. & Ph.D. of EE, Ph.D of MA, M.Tech., M.Tech.+Ph.D. (DD), Ph.D. of IEOR, MSc. of CH, ES, MA, PH, BSBE, IEOR, M.Sc.+ Ph.D (DD) of ESED, DESE, IEOR, Verification of Foreign visiting students, Alumni Service, Vendor Creation (SAP).

  Name: Mrs. Puja P. Kushalkar
  Designation: Sr. Administrative Superintendent
  Extn. 7059
  Email id:
 Job: Supervision, PGPC, Senate, Bulletin, Circulars, Fees, Rules updation (New rules/revised existing rules, as approved in the Senate meetings are updated in the PG Rule books), CE (M.Tech., Ph.D.), MEMS (M.Tech., Ph.D.), ES (M.Tech., Ph.D.), MMM (M.Tech), CSE (M.Tech, Ph.D), Ph.D Execellence awards.

  Name: Mr. Prasanna Hate
  Designation: Administrative Superintendent
  Extn. 7059
  Email id:
 Job: Supervision, PGPC, Senate, Revision of Forms, Rules updation (New rules/revised existing rules, as approved in the Senate meetings are updated in the PG Rule books), Automation, SOM (MBA, Ph.D.), EMBA, CSRE (M.Tech., Ph.D.), CTARA (M.Tech., Ph.D.), PH (Ph.D.), CL (M.Tech., Ph.D.), ESE (M.Tech., Ph.D.)
