Instrument Details
Make : PANalytical, The Netherlands
Specification : X-Ray tube with Cu target. (Anode Material ) Wavelength – 1.54184 Å
X-ray generator : 45kv & 40 mA
User Instructions –
For Powder XRD samples should be submitted in the form of fine powder (preferably less than 20um) to completely fill the rectangular cavity of the sample holder of dimension of Vol. 0.6cm3 i.e. l=2, b=1.5,h = 0.2 cm. For Pallet, the sample should have dia at most 0.3cm to 1.8cm and height max.0.8 cm
Academic Institutions:
You can come in person or send your samples along with a letter from the Head / Guide on your College/Institute Original Letter Head for registration stating that the analysis is for research purpose to qualify for academic concession. The letter should be addressed to
Prof -In-Charge,
Prof. Abhijeet Sangle
X-Ray Lab, Dept. of MEMS,
IIT Bombay, Powai,
You can come in-person or send your samples along with a letter for registration. The letter should be addressed to
Prof -In-Charge,
Prof. Abhijeet Sangle,
X-Ray Lab, Dept. of MEMS,
IIT Bombay, Powai,
About Payment :
Payment should be made in advance by a Demand Draft (DD) /Cheque drawn in favour of "The Registrar,IIT Bombay ".
The same should be sent to the
Prof -In-Charge,
Prof. Abhijeet Sangle,
X-Ray Lab, Dept. of MEMS,
IIT Bombay, Powai,
Registration :
1. Internal user - Book a slot through Drona website.
Mr.Hitesh Thakur
Tel. No.: 022- 2159 3603
Email id.:
X-Ray lab,
Room No. G022 ,Ground Floor,
Dept. of Metallurgical Engg. and Materials Science,
IIT Bombay , Powai,