<p>IDC School of Design, IIT Bombay is hosting the SIGCHI Summer School on "Writing a Paper for CHI 2021" in July 2019 at its campus.<br /><br />About the Summer School:</p><p>The Summer School aims to facilitate the following activities, leading to a submission to CHI 2021:</p><ul><li>Enable engagement among emerging researchers in the HCI community in Asia</li><li>Train researchers on developing HCI research questions, planning and carrying out the research, and writing strong papers</li><li>Follow-up with 6 virtual bi-monthly group meetings to peer review the ongoing work over the following year</li><li>Pair each participant with a senior, widely-published mentor to advise them on their work over the following year</li></ul><p>The summer school will be instructed by 5-6 senior researchers including three international researchers and two or three local researchers. During the summer school participants will have an opportunity to attend lectures, present their research questions, draw up a research plan, receive preliminary feedback, and refine their ongoing work. After the summer school, participants are expected to continue their work. Each participant will be assigned to a mentor. It is expected that the mentors and mentees will meet once a month, or bi-monthly, virtually till September 2020, when they will hopefully submit their papers to CHI 2021.</p><p>For details please visit : <a href="https://www.indiahci.org/sigchischool/paperCHI2021/" target="_blank" title="This external link will open in a new window">https://www.indiahci.org/sigchischool/paperCHI2021/</a></p><p>or write to: 1) Prof. Vivek Kant at vivek.kant@iitb.ac.in, 2) Ms. Manjiri Joshi at: manjiri.joshi@gmail.com</p><p> </p><p> </p>
SIGCHI Summer School on Writing a Paper for CHI 2021