Research and development

Research and Development (R&D) at IIT Bombay has evolved and flourished over the decades since the Institute's inception in 1958. The synergy of academics and research has catapulted the Institute into the illustrious circle of world-class institutions. Apart from offering viable solutions to various government sectors, industry, and to society, IIT Bombay pursues basic research leading to knowledge generation that lays the foundation for empowering India as a nation to be technologically confident and self-reliant.

The Institute continues to strive for excellence in its core activities of teaching and research in a milieu of change. The Institute has been able to attract outstanding faculty members from not just India but other parts of the globe. We have set up several large multidisciplinary research centers to address complex problems in a holistic way involving researchers from different academic units.

IIT Bombay has ongoing interactions with many industries and public sector organizations through various modes, including providing solutions to specific problems through short, medium to long-term research projects, endowments, student sponsorship, etc.

The goal is to promote research that makes a difference - a difference to society, to industry, and to the profession itself.


IIT Bombay offers Consultancy Services to Industries, Service Sector, Govt. Departments and other National and International agencies in niche areas of expertise available in the Institute. Consultancy Projects / Services are typically short duration (up to 12-18 months) technical services involving pre-existing expertise, deliverable based outcomes. The services offered may cover a variety of activities such as advisory/expert opinion, feasibility studies, process, technology or design assessment material, energy, environmental and manpower audits; product design; general troubleshooting, retrofitting exercises, vision and strategy statements etc. Testing & Evaluation services are also offered as a part of testing-based consultancy.

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Technology transfer

Research and development being the increasing focus of activity, the Institute is making strong efforts to see that the fruits of the research are translated into commerce through licensing and startups. More than 100 technologies and products developed at IIT Bombay have been deployed. Some of these technologies are ready for implementation, while others may need additional work to reach the deployment stage: prototyping, mass production, balancing the cost, and quality of the product, etc. These efforts require collaboration between IIT Bombay and the Licensee at the initial stages. We will be happy to partner with entities for translating our technologies to end use.

Technology Transfer and Licensing


Research park

Brings Industry R&D centers closer to the intellectual hub of academia by providing space and infrastructure on IITB campus. Industries can engage with researchers on exciting research areas, get access to IITB research infrastructure, library, and much more.

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Society for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SINE), is an umbrella organization at IIT Bombay for fostering entrepreneurship and nurturing tech start-ups. It administers a business incubator which provides ‘Start to scale’ support for technology-based entrepreneurship and facilitates the conversion of research activity into entrepreneurial ventures.

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Executive training

IIT Bombay offers a variety of programs through its Executive Education Office (Exec-Ed @ IITB) to fulfil the continuing and executive educational needs of working professionals from diverse disciplines. World renowned experts offer knowledge and training at the frontiers in technology and management. We take pride in the fact that it is one of the most sought after continuing education centers within the country. Explore our programs and select the ones most suitable to your needs.

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Corporate social responsibility

The Corporate Relations team connects with socially conscious corporates and encourages them to collaborate with IIT Bombay for societal impact. India’s top corporates and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) heads are regularly updated about the Institute’s path-breaking research in emerging and relevant areas. The corporates are guided by the team on ways they can fulfill their CSR requirements by partnering with IIT Bombay to develop technological solutions that can address wide-ranging national and global challenges.

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IIT Bombay remains a top choice for leading global organizations who want only the very best for their organizations. All round development through constantly evolving academic program, extracurricular activities etc. prepare the student to take the challenges faced in the competitive corporate world head on.

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