IIT Bombay welcomes businesses to submit competitive tenders for supply of goods and services. Please follow the broad procedure outlined below.
- If you are new to IIT Bombay, please register yourself in our Vendor Registration Portal.
- Browse through Advertised Tenders for details of our requirements and prepare your tender.
- Where applicable, submit your tenders through the e-Tenders portal.
- For other submissions and enquries contact the Materials Management Division.
Tender’s list
Title | Division | Due date | Excerpts | RFX number |
Electron Microscope | Dept. of Mechanical Engg. | Tender Type : Open Tender |
6100002035 | |
Video Production | CEP Office IIT Bombay | Tender Type: Limited Tender (Non-GTE) |
6100002033 | |
Consumable items for existing Screen Printer and Inkjet Printer | Department of Energy Science and Engineering | Tender Type : Single Tender (GTE) |
6100002034 | |
ND: YAG Solid – State Laser for Pulsed laser Deposition | MEMS | Tender Type: Limited Tender (GTE) |
6100002008 | |
Hospital Management Information System (HMIS)/ Electronic Medical Records (EMR) for IIT Bombay Hospital | Application Software Cell | Tender Type: Advertised Tender |
6100002000 | |
DGX Server | Computer Science Engineering | Tender Type : Open Tender (GTE ) RFx No.6100002038 (PR No. 1000043725) |
610000203 | |
Medium Voltage Differential Probe | Electrical Engineering | Tender Type: Advertised Tender (GTE) |
6100002003 | |
Spectrofluorometer | Physics Department | Tender Type : Open Tender (Non-GTE) |
6100001987 | |
SPOT QUOTATION FOR DISPOSAL OF SCRAP MATERIALS (E- Waste) | Dept. of Environmental Science and Engineering (ESED) | Inspection Date is up to : 12.02.2025 TO 13.01.2025 between 10.00 AM to 05 .00 PM ONLY. Bid Submission Due Date is : up to 14.02.2025 till 03.00 pm. |
MMD/ESED/SQ-38/E-Waste/2024-25 | |
SPOT QUOTATION FOR DISPOSAL OF SCRAP MATERIALS (G- Waste) | Dept of Environmental Science and Engineering (ESED) | Inspection Date is up to : 12.02.2025 TO 13.02.2025 between 10.00 AM to 05 .00 PM ONLY. Bid Submission Due Date is : up to 14.02.2025 till 03.00 pm. |
MMD/ESED/SQ-37/G-Waste/2024-25 |
Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration Details :
Registered Name : Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Registered Address : Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Adi Shankaracharya Marg, Powai, Mumbai-400 076
PAN (Permanent Account Number) : AAATI1446A
GST Number : 27AAATI1446A1Z7
GST ARN (Application Reference Number) : AA270517009024I Dated 2017-05-01
State of Registration : Maharashtra
Contact Person(s) : Ajay Prasad, Assistant Registrar (F&A) Email: arfa1@iitb.ac.in
Contact No(s). : 022-25767950, 022-25767952
Importer Exporter Code number (IEC) : 0397025599
Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number (TAN) : MUMI00377G
Managing tenders and purchase orders
IIT Bombay's Materials Management Division is responsible for overseeing the initiation and advancement of all tender processes, including both local procurement and the acquisition of necessary materials from imports.
Tender section
Floating of tenders through an E-procurement portal, publishing tenders on the central public procurement portal (CPPP) and institute website, empanelment of vendors for rate contracts, procurement of goods and services through bidding Government e-Marketplace (GeM), processing of global tender enquiry (GTE) proposals for approval, etc.
Ms. Shradha S. Malvankar
Assistant Registrar (MM)
Email: tender.mmd@iitb.ac.in
Phone: +91-22-2576-5009
Mr. Sujit A. Kushe
Administrative Superintendent
Phone: +91-22-2159-8805
Local purchase section
Handle all Procurement through the domestic market i.e., within India (except direct market purchase) for the Institute.
Mr. Deepak Thapa
Sr. Administrative Superintendent
Email: local.purchase@iitb.ac.in
Phone: +91-22-2576-8801
Mr. Noor Khan
Administrative Superintendent
Phone: +91-22-2576-8802
Import purchase section
Manage all the procurement from foreign suppliers, facilitate custom clearance activities, re-export activities for repairing/servicing purpose, etc.
Mr. Mahesh Karsure
Administrative Superintendent
Email: import@iitb.ac.in
Phone: +91-22-2159-2800
Progress unit
Disposal of scrap materials, disposal of unwanted / date expired chemicals, generating goods receipt notes for centrally purchased items, facilitate supply of special chemicals to laboratories for research purpose, GeM secondary buyer registration etc.
Email: progress.mmd@iitb.ac.in
Phone: +91-22-2159-2823
Rules and regulations
General financial rules 2017, manual for procurement of goods, manual for procurement of consultancy and other services, institute's guidelines etc.
Link for Materials Management Division (MMD) website:
http://internal.iitb.ac.in/imcwork/csinfo/csinfo.html (accessible only through intranet)
Link for GFR 2017:
Link for Manual for Procurement of Goods :
Link for Manual for Procurement of Consultancy and Other Services :