POWAI, MUMBAI – 400 076
Special Recruitment Drive for Foreign Nationals
Foreign Faculty
IIT Bombay invites applications from Foreign Nationals at the level of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor.
Qualifications and Experience
Ph.D. with a first class or equivalent (in terms of Grades) in the preceding degree and an excellent academic record throughout.
For Assistant Professor, fresh Ph.Ds with excellent academic record are eligible to apply. For Associate Professor, a minimum of 6 years post-Ph.D. teaching/research/professional experience of which at least 3 years should be at the level of Assistant Professor or equivalent is required. For Professor, a minimum of 10 years post-Ph.D. teaching/research/professional experience of which at least 4 years should be at the level of Associate Professor is required. Candidates should have publications in reputed journals and conferences.
Appointment of Foreign Nationals will be on a contract basis for upto 5 years. Permission from Govt. of India is mandatory prior to joining the Institute.
Total emoluments
Salary will be fixed taking into account experience and Government of India norms.
Benefits & Perks
·The Institute offers a seed grant of up to Rs. 2 million.
·Reimbursement of air fare for economy class to home country once every two years for self & spouse.
·Relocation expenses will be provided as per the Institute provisions.
·Cost of medical insurance upto an approved limit for self and spouse will be covered.
·Reimbursement for accommodation of up to Rs. 75,000/- per month will be provided.
Kindly send your CV on with a subject line Foreign Faculty Application.
Foreign Post-Doctoral Fellows
IIT Bombay invites applications from Foreign Nationals at the level of Post Doctoral Fellow (PDF) in various academic Departments, Centres, Schools, and Inter-disciplinary programs. The tenure of PDF would be generally for two years (initially for one year and extendable for another year, subject to a satisfactory academic performance in the 1st year).
Consolidated Salary + Contingency Grant:
- Consolidated salary of Rs. 80,000/- per month with HRA as per Government of India norms (currently 27% of consolidated salary).
- Non-lapsable contingency grant of Rs. 50,000/- per annum.
Eligibility & Evaluation:
- Candidates who wish to be considered for such an appointment may be fresh PhDs or PhDs with less than two years of experience or research scholars who have submitted their thesis and are awaiting examination.
- Academic units will evaluate these applications through a process similar to that of faculty selections.
- The Search Committees meet regularly to consider the applications and arrange for invited seminars and/or interviews as the need arises.
- Please write to the respective Heads of Academic Divisions for specific information.
- There is no last date for the applications.
Duties and Facilities:
- A PDF will have a mentor whose area is closest to that of the PDF.
- In addition to research, the Head of the Academic units may assign reasonable academic/administrative tasks depending on the need.
- Financial support is provided for one international conference during the tenure of the fellowship for the presentation of their research work done at IIT Bombay.
- Support for one national conference per year is also provided.
- Relocation expenses will be permitted as per Institute norms.
Kindly send your CV on with a subject line ‘Foreign PDFs’.
Date: 01.01.2025 REGISTRAR